Bolt today
continues his relentless rhetoric of hate against Islam as he riles against
criticism of his hatred.
Throughout history
various religions that have at the core of their beliefs a philosophy of peace
and goodwill toward their fellow man have had within their ranks murderous extremists
who abuse the name of their faith to commit the most horrendous crimes against
their fellow man. Even political ideologies sometimes use their religious faith
to justify the most horrific crimes. Catholicism for centuries committed the
most terrifying crimes against Protestants; Judaism as a religion has been
responsible for crimes against Arabs in Palestine as they take over lands they
claim were given to them by God; Orthodox Christians in what was Yugoslavia
have committed genocidal crimes against some of their fellow citizens because
they happened to be Muslims; on and off for nearly eight hundred years
Christians from Europe embarked on crusades to wipe out Islam; there were
Christians in America who believed African-Americans were subhuman and should
be either enslaved or killed. And, of course, there were the Christians of
Europe who during the 1930s and 40s attempted to exterminate all of European
But not in any of
these cases can their religion per se actually be blamed for their actions. In
every case religion was used merely as an excuse to commit these crimes. But in
not one case can the base philosophy of any religion be blamed for the crimes
committed by their adherents.
And now here’s
Bolt, ready to condemn an entire religion because of the crimes of a few
misguided fanatics who claim to be part of that religion. Bolt’s obsessive
hatred of Islam has blinded and confused him. He is no longer able to
distinguish between the actions of fanatics and the reality of what they
profess to be their faith. In short, he has become as fanatical in his hatred as
those he accuses of being hate filled.