Tony Abbott seems set to get his fifteen minutes of fame - courtesy of
Bolt and a tragedy that Abbott seems willing to milk for all its political
his blog today, Bolt writes: “Tony Abbott is leading the West into a
confrontation with nuclear superpower Russia over the downing of MH17. The
stakes are incredibly high, as the Prime Minister organises, effectively, a
small army to move into Ukraine.”
What utter tosh!
The ‘small army’ turns out to be a small group of Australian Federal
Police officers who will be unarmed and, rather than actually confronting ‘nuclear
superpower Russia’, they’ve
postponed going into Ukraine because it’s too dangerous due to the fighting
between the Ukrainian forces and Russian separatists.
The way Bolt tells it you’d think Abbott was the saviour of the world
instead of a bumbling lunatic who has staggered onto the misfortune of others
and realised that he can make political hay from it while he has the
opportunity to strut the world stage and allow his right-wing backers in the
commentariat to promote him to status of ‘world leader’.