Andrew Bolt is Australia's most dangerous racist. He is employed by a major Australian regional newspaper and a TV station that broadcasts nationwide in order for him to directly peddle his racist and Islamophobic propaganda. His blog at Rupert Murdoch's Herald-Sun newspaper enjoys the support of a small but dedicated group of like-minded extreme right-wing bigots, rednecks and racists who regularly comment at his blog, and his TV spot is financially supported by various asssorted climate change deniers who have a vested interest in being anti-renewable resources and pro-pollutionist.

Bolt is dangerous because he has a wide audience that his employers see as being gullible to their brand of media propaganda.

This blog aims to expose Bolt for what he really is - a deceitful propagandist intent on dividing Australians by promoting fear and paranoia of multiculturalism. Without the backing of the likes of Murdoch and Gina Rinehart, et al, Bolt is nothing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


ISIS thrives on fear. It feeds on it. Without it ISIS would wither and die. So how does ISIS create the fear it needs to thrive?

They use several resources to promote fear. They film their atrocities and publish them on the social networks on the internet using mainly You-Tube and Facebook. They have progressed in creating more fear by dreaming up ever more horrific ways of slaughtering their enemies. Mostly they are carried out in public. The mainstream media then run stories about these atrocities and, while not actually showing the killings, they direct their audience to the source where they can view the atrocities ISIS commits.

The mainstream media of the right who support the anti-Islam movement of the West then use propagandists to promote the fear to the public using commentary and selected audience response. Occasionally, propagandists like Andrew Bolt even link directly to atrocity films. How are we able to live in fear of ISIS if ISIS doesn’t have propagandists like Andrew Bolt, Tim Blair, Piers Akerman, Greg Sheridan, Janet Albrechtsen and others to perpetuate that fear? And, if there is no fear, then how can governments spend so much of our hard earned money on weapons they tell us are needed to defeat ISIS and all our other ‘enemies’ – whoever they’re supposed to be – and do so with barely a beep from the masses?

Well, here’s how it works.

Firstly, one needs to understand that ISIS is not the ‘global Islamic extremist terror organisation’ that we are told they are. They are, in fact, a creation of Western elitists whose specific role is to create fear and loathing of all of Israel and the Wests ‘enemies’. They were created by the CIA, Mossad and some elements within Britain’s MI5.

ISIS consists of three major components: First, there are those that are at the very top of the Western political power system. These are the elites of Western capitalist civilisation. They are the ones that fund, supply arms, determine policy in line with their basic agenda and ensure that the people of the ‘West’ respond appropriately to that agenda. They most certainly are not Muslims and do not represent Islam in any way. In fact one may be surprised to learn that most within the group are actually Zionists and Christians including politicians, industrialists, bankers and senior elements of the military. There are some Middle Eastern members who are associated with this group and who are Muslim but their fundamental interests lay firmly with being reliable allies of Western elites and those that support the idea of ‘Western Exceptionalism’.

Within the second component there are those who, on behalf of the first component, create propaganda, recruit, train, plan and direct the actions of those that consist of the third component. Those within the second group are professionals who have been well trained and are very experienced in their art which has been perfected ever since Vietnam, then through the First Gulf War, the invasion of Afghanistan and the invasion and destruction of Iraq. They include mercenary trainers, writers, journalists and other assorted propagandists whose job is to stir up hatred against ‘Islamists’, Islam and Muslims throughout the West. Such people work for those who have a particular interest in perpetuating the war the West is waging against Islam.

Andrew Bolt, Tim Blair, et al, are classic examples of the anti-Islam propagandists who are paid by the elitists, in this case Rupert Murdoch, who have an interest in ensuring the continuation of the war. Their interests lay in the resources of the Middle East and providing weapons to both sides. Billions are spent on developing and building new weapons, many of which will never be used.

Their other interest is in ensuring that Israel realises its ambition of becoming a Greater Israel. They also want to ensure that Palestine never becomes a sovereign state and that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are one day absorbed and annexed to Israel thus further projecting the West’s influence and hegemony into the Middle East.

The third component of ISIS comprises those that enact the program laid out for them by the first two components. They do the killing, they commit atrocities, they commit suicide bombing missions, and fight on the front lines, often acting as storm troops, at their nominated wars both in the Middle East and wherever in the world it is expedient for the terrorists to attack Western targets directly in order to perpetuate the myth of the Islamic enemy.

Within the third component are a few misguided true believers who actually believe in the righteousness of what they are doing and are the type that usually end up volunteering for suicide operations. Mostly those of the third component, however, are an assortment of disaffected youths, adventurers, psychopaths, mercenaries and thieves out for whatever they can get out of their involvement in these activities.

All ultimately serve the requirements of those who make up the first component.
Once members of sections of the third component have served their usefulness they are destroyed by the ‘West’ with their destruction serving as part of the propaganda the ‘West’ deploys in order to deceive the people of the ‘West’ that they are in mortal combat fighting ISIS.

ISIS is the Western elite’s weapon that ensures a compliant population that is willing to sacrifice its wealth to remain safe at the expense of health, education, proper housing and care for the old and the very young. Instead, we build submarines that seem to spend more time out of the water than in it and, just when we’ve started to iron out the problems with them, they magically become obsolete and we need more of them; we buy and build aircraft that are so advanced that nobody actually knows how to operate them properly, and we’re forever buying bombs that we are told are so smart that they only ever kill terrorists.

At the heart of all this are the propagandists who lie to us constantly about ‘Islamic terrorists’, who tell us how good our weapons are and why we need them to destroy our ‘enemies’. These propagandists are the interface between the elitists that have created ISIS and the Western peoples they have set out to deceive. They are, in fact, part of the ISIS problem; a sort of inverse propaganda section within ISIS itself, bought and paid for by the elites of the West.

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